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IDS and GDS Connection

Step by step instructions how to connect your property on Smart Web PMS with Booking.com

First of all we assume your property is already set on Smart Web PMS and your property already listed on Booking.com. If you have no contract with Booking.com you can create new listing on booking.com website.

Case 1: Property has disabled XML connection

  1. Sign in to your booking.com property extranet
  2. In the top menu select Property Info tab
  3. On the appeared page click to the Channel Manager at the left menu
  4. On the appeared page click Start button
  5. Start typing ColibriPMS in the Select your provider search field
  6. Select Full connection (two-way) and click Next button
  7. On the following step validate your Property Name, Property ID and Contact person. Also read and accept agreement.
  8. Contact Smart Web PMS via support@colibripms.com to finalize setup and room/rate mapping.
  9. Once you received confirmation from Smart Web PMS that rates and rooms mapped and that inventory, rates and restrictions are synced, you should sign in to your booking.com property extranet and check that rates and restrictions are correct for all room categories and availabilities are in sync with PMS
  10. Make a test booking of your hotel and make sure that your test reservation appeared in PMS. Validate that all information was captured fully and correctly. Try update and cancel. If there any problems immediately contact Smart Web PMS via support@colibripms.com

Case 2: Property has disabled XML connection and there is no Channel Manager settings in booking.com extranet

  1. Contact your account manager and request XML connect activation to provider ColibriPMS (ID 368).
  2. When you received confirmation from your account manager contact Smart Web PMS via support@colibripms.com to finalize setup and room/rate mapping.
  3. Once you received confirmation from Smart Web PMS that rates and rooms mapped and that inventory, rates and restrictions are synced, you should sign in to your booking.com property extranet and check that rates and restrictions are correct for all room categories and availabilities are in sync with PMS
  4. Make a test booking of your hotel and make sure that your test reservation appeared in PMS. Validate that all information was captured fully and correctly. Try update and cancel. If there any problems immediately contact Smart Web PMS via support@colibripms.com

Case 3: Property has enabled XML connection and would switch CM/PMS

  1. Contact your account manager and request XML connect activation to provider ColibriPMS (ID 368).
  2. When you received confirmation from your account manager contact Smart Web PMS via support@colibripms.com to finalize setup and room/rate mapping.
  3. Once you received confirmation from Smart Web PMS that rates and rooms mapped and that inventory, rates and restrictions are synced, you should sign in to your booking.com property extranet and check that rates and restrictions are correct for all room categories and availabilities are in sync with PMS
  4. Make a test booking of your hotel and make sure that your test reservation appeared in PMS. Validate that all information was captured fully and correctly. Try update and cancel. If there any problems immediately contact Smart Web PMS via support@colibripms.com
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Скоро ще има нови възможности
интеграция с Глобалната GDS integration
Additional payment processing systems
Major PBX support
XML Data Exchange
Fax and SMS Notifications
Mass Mailing Tool
Online booking statistics
Mobile version

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